miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018

Modulo 7 Semana 2 Tell me…

¿Qué hacer?


1.                  Elabora un listado de 5 preguntas que te permita obtener información sobre la experiencia de otras personas en la celebración del día de muertos (cómo lo festejaban antes, qué actividades realizaban, quiénes participaban, etc.).

In relation to the feast of the All Souls' Day

Were your parents celebrating the All Souls' Day?

If, before my dads were celebrating the All Soul's day. Now not because we're Christian and Jesus doesn't approve these traditions.

Did your mother cook something special?

Yes, my mom cooked a special saucer called pibipollo

Did you celebrate Halloween?

Never, my parents never celebrated Halloween is Americans’ habit not Mexicans’.

Did disguise themselves on the day of the dead?

Never, we only ate and we talked about peoples who had left.

How did they decorate the house?

Yes, my parents made an altar of seven floors to remember to our beings beloved.

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