¿Qué hacer?
1. Elabora una tabla en la que incluyas las actividades que realizas durante cada día en una semana. La siguiente tabla es un ejemplo de la forma en que puedes elaborarla. El título de tu tabla debe ser: My daily routine - Mi rutina diaria.
Momentos del día |
Palabras que dan orden a las acciones |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Morning |
First |
(For example: It's 6:15 in the morning. I run.) |
(For example: It's 7:00 in the morning. I cook.) |
Then |
Finally |
Evening |
First |
After |
Finally |
Night |
First |
Then |
Finally |
2. Completa tu tabla tomando como ejemplo la estructura que se muestra. Revisa el vocabulario y responde incorporando como mínimo 5 horarios y las acciones correspondientes que realizas durante el día (entre la mañana, tarde y noche), y en los 5 días de la semana (lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves y viernes).
3. Elige un día de tu tabla Rutina diaria y debajo de ella escribe un párrafo en el que describas todo lo que haces durante el, para ello incluye: adverbios de frecuencia y de tiempo, los días de la semana y las horas.
Por ejemplo:
I always wake up at six o´clock on Monday, then I take a shower, after that I usually walk to the market at ten o´clock…
Momentos del día |
Palabras que dan orden a las acciones |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Morning |
First |
I wake up at 5:30 a.m. |
I wake up at 5:30 a.m. |
I wake up at 8:00 o’clock because my daughter didn't go to the University |
I wake up at 5:30 a.m. |
I wake up at 5:30 a.m. |
Then |
I wake my daughter up in order that she dresses |
I wake my daughter up in order that she dresses |
8:30 a.m. I watch sometimes TV |
I wake my daughter up in order that she dresses |
I wake my daughter up in order that she dresses | |
Finally |
6:30 a.m. We travel to the University Technological of Conkal, Yucatán and later I cook the breakfast |
6:30 a.m. We travel to the University Technological of Conkal, Yucatán and later I cook the breakfast |
10: 00 a.m. I cook breakfast, I wash the dishes and I clean my home |
6:30 a.m. We travel to the University Technological of Conkal, Yucatán and later I cook the breakfast |
6:30 a.m. We travel to the University Technological of Conkal, Yucatán and later I cook the breakfast | |
Evening |
First |
12:00 o’clock Cook the food, and as with my minor daughter |
12:00 o’clock Cook the food, and as with my minor daughter |
12:00 o’clock Cook the food, and as with my minor daughter |
12:00 o’clock Cook the food, and as with my minor daughter |
12:00 o’clock Cook the food, and as with my minor daughter |
After |
1:15 lead to high school to deliver my minor daughter |
1:15 lead to high school to deliver my minor daughter |
1:15 lead to high school to deliver my minor daughter |
1:15 lead to high school to deliver my minor daughter |
1:15 lead to high school to deliver my minor daughter | |
Finally |
3:00 o’clock I study the text online Prepa SEP and assigning the day work and I go for my daughter to the university |
3:00 o’clock I study the text online Prepa SEP and assigning the day work and I go for my daughter to the university |
3:00 o’clock I study the text online Prepa SEP and assigning the day work and I go for my daughter to the university |
3:00 o’clock I study the text online Prepa SEP and assigning the day work and I go for my daughter to the university |
3:00 o’clock I study the text online Prepa SEP and assigning the day work and I go for my daughter to the university | |
Night |
First |
8:00 o’clock I cook a dinner and eat, later wash the dishes |
8:00 o’clock I cook a dinner and eat, later wash the dishes |
8:00 o’clock I cook a dinner and eat, later wash the dishes |
8:00 o’clock I cook a dinner and eat, later wash the dishes |
8:00 o’clock I cook a dinner and eat, later wash the dishes |
Then |
9:00 Study and I do School task |
9:00 Study and I do School task |
9:00 Study and I do School task |
9:00 Study and I do School task |
9:00 Study and I do School task | |
Finally |
I see a bit TV and go to sleep |
I see a bit TV and go to sleep |
I see a bit TV and go to sleep |
I see a bit TV and go to sleep |
I see a bit TV and go to sleep |
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