¿Qué hacer?
1. Del vocabulario revisado en la unidad (verbos, lugares, plantas, alimentos, bebidas, animales, clima, estaciones), elige 10 que te gustan y 10 que te disgustan.
2. En un documento en Word inserta una tabla con 2 columnas y 11 filas. En la primera fila escribe los encabezados I like y I dislike, en las 10 posteriores escribe lo que elegiste como gustos y disgustos.
Por ejemplo:
I like |
I dislike |
Dogs |
Thunders |
3. Debajo de tu tabla, escribe diez frases cortas en las que utilices I like y diez en las que utilices I dislike
Por ejemplo:
1. I like dogs.
2. I dislike thunders
I like |
I dislike |
Dance |
Lie |
Read |
Cry |
Watch |
Disregard |
Eat |
Run |
Drink |
Drink |
Swim |
Shout |
Think |
Fight |
Walk |
Hungry |
Hear |
Waste |
Write |
Shut up |
1. I like slow dancing
2. I like reading a good book
3. I like watching tv on the night
4. I like very much eating sushi
5. I like drinking lemonade in the afternoon
6. I like swimming on the beach in the morning.
7. I like to think when I read a good book
8. I like walking in the zoo and watch an animal
9. I like hearing good music.
10. I like writing every my thoughts.
11. I dislike lying
12. I dislike crying
13. I dislike disregard before the poverty
14. I dislike running
15. I dislike drinking alcohol
16. I dislike shouting
17. I dislike fighting for no reason
18. I dislike having hungry
19. I dislike wasting dinner.
20. I dislike shutting up the people what think
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